Stop – Woodpeckers
Woodpeckers are an interesting group of birds with unique anatomical adaptations which allow them to excavate nest holes in trees and chisel out wood in order to find food. There are six species that may be seen along the trail, including the local Lesser Spotted and Green Woodpeckers. Below is information about their habitat:
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Woodland, stands of trees in fields, large parks and gardens; fairly abundant
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Deciduous and mixed woodland with softer wood, stands of trees and parks.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Oak woodland, less often found in other types of mature deciduous and mixed woodland; less common than Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Black Woodpecker
Extensive woodland, often pine and mixed forests with mature parts consisting mainly of beech.
Green Woodpecker
Edges of open deciduous and mixed woodlands, farmland with trees, large open parks.
(Eurasian) Wryneck
Local in open woodlands, parks, orchards and gardens; rather scarce