Stop - The Moritz Stone Stop - The Moritz Stone

Stop - The Moritz Stone


An erratic boulder (erratic, lat. errare – to get lost).  A 11.20 m circumference rock fragment that was deposited by a retreating glacier, the “Moritz Stone” is a monument of nature.  

Earlier inhabitants of Lemierzyce named the boulder “Moritz Stein” in recognition of Johan Moritz von Nassau’s financial help in rebuilding the village church after a fire in 1678.  There is a legend that a shoe from a knight’s horse came off and struck the boulder as the Knight of St John was hurrying to help the villagers.  Whoever touches the mark left by this horseshoe will have good luck. In the 19th Century, the boulder’s name was changed to “Bismarck”. After the Second World War, an inscription was added: "Myśmy tu nie przyszli, myśmy tu wrócili Lemierzyce 1945 r." (We arrived not here; we returned here; Lemierzyce 1945)